Over a month ago, I wrote about group algos into a portfolio to decrease risk and diversify and had created two such portfolios, P1 and P2. If you missed that article, you can access it here: https://www.forexalgotrading.com/post/tracking-our-new-forex-portfolios
I had provided an update on both almost two weeks ago and P1 had not really done too much but P2 was doing remarkably well. I wanted to give P2 more time to ensure it had over a month of trading and matched expected results in the backtests. It continues to impress, current results look like this:

Starting with a £10,000 account, all 3 of the algos have traded a total of 17 times with only 1 loser so far. We've made 333 pips and the account is 10% up, making just over £1000. All these stats are available if you want to have a look for yourself at : https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ForexAlgoTrading/p2-portfolio/7134090
There's more information on this post about the P2 portfolio including the backtest data if you like to delve into numbers more deeply.
I have also now made this portfolio for those who would like it for themselves. This is available for Metatrader 4. The download package includes all 3 algos and there are 5 indicators to install but this is all explained in the instructions. I am running this on the IC Markets broker and I recommend that you always test initially on a small account with the lowest lot sizes if you're using a different broker.
Anyway, the link to the product page is here if you are interested : https://www.forexalgotrading.com/product-page/algo-trading-portfolio-p2
I've created a coupon which will give you £150 off until the end of the month, October 31st. Coupon code is p2earlybird